
Hidden Civil War

My theory on sociology about two hidden societies that are in constant fight without raising flags. these societies are the druggies and the cleanows. the druggies, as the name says, have some involvement with the world of drugs, either using it frequently, selling it to others, consuming or not, and those that have friends that use or traffic drugs, and realize there is no such a big devil around it. the cleanows are those that believe that drugs is one of the major sources of instability in the present civilizations. if there were no drugs, people would be much happier, much less conflicts, wars, and so on and so forth. so they support any offensive attempt against the dealers, the most evil creatures in the civilizations. much worse than politicians, who use money from the country, from the citizens, to build cartels and control all the governamental operations, if possible taking some bribe on each transactions. cleanows also marginalize the drug users, as they are said to destroy families.

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